Search results for tag "hiddush"

  • Mission Statement
    Written by on 06/07/2011
    Hiddush will work to implement the basic values guaranteed in Israel’s Declaration of Independence

  • After the buses: gender segregation reaches share taxis
    Written by on 03/07/2011
    The segregation between women and men does not end with the ‘Mehadrin Lines.’ Hiddush’s spokesman personally experienced segregation in share taxis: ‘I was removed from the vehicle after a single stop, because women would not let me sit next to them.’ Taxi drivers say segregation has them setting out with half-empty cabs

  • Reform rabbi criticizes IDF conversion
    Written by on 28/06/2011
    Rabbi Regev states that it's not possible to make converts observant

  • Israelis Can Marry By Proxy
    Written by on 25/06/2011
    High Court continues to pave way towards civil marriage in Israel

  • Ruth's Conversion
    Written by on 23/06/2011
    Shavuot newsletter on conversion

  • Torah As Profession
    Written by on 21/06/2011
    Visual Midrash newsletter

  • Hiddush to Labor Party candidates: Spell out your positions on issues
    Written by on 15/06/2011
    Hiddush sent the six candidates a questionnaire in which it asks them to specify their positions on a series of subjects: civil marriage, core curriculum studies, conversion, funding for yeshivas, and more. Hiddush: Labor’s positions on matters of religion and state will significantly affect its chances of recovery

  • Yeshiva Students Cheat Ministry
    Written by on 13/06/2011
    10,000 Yeshiva students have been playing hooky and bilking Israel’s Ministry of Education of NIS 4.5 million, according to a recent audit.

  • Who revoked Ruth's conversion?
    Written by on 07/06/2011
    On the eve of Shavuot, Hiddush launches campaign to bring attention to the issue of conversion in Israel

  • Municipal Rabbis Get 250% Raise
    Written by on 25/05/2011
    In a struggling economy, the ultra-Orthodox lock in a 250% raise for their own municipal rabbis

  • Following Hiddush report, Margi Undertakes to Appoint Women to Religious Councils
    Written by on 16/05/2011
    In a letter to Hiddush head Rabbi Uri Regev, the religious affairs minister writes that Shas leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef also favors appointing women council members. Regev: ‘Breakthrough is welcome but Shas still views women as decoration and not a single woman is in charge of a council’

  • Women on Religious Councils
    Written by on 14/05/2011
    Only 22 of 450 religious council members are women

  • Jessica Fishman Story
    Written by on 09/05/2011
    Interesting story on 'who is a Jew'

  • Why Hiddush
    Written by on 09/05/2011
    Rabbi Uri Regev talks about Hiddush

  • 50,000 students at haredi institutions exempted from supervision will study as usual on Independence Day
    Written by on 06/05/2011
    The law requires a statutory holiday on Independence Day and the schools are funded by the state. Hiddush head Rabbi Regev demands that the Education Ministry ‘make clear to haredi educational institutions that the holiday is mandatory and suspend the funding of any institution that does not honor Independence Day.’

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