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Half of the Israeli Jewish Public Prefer to Marry in a non-Orthodox Marriage Ceremony

Half of the Israeli Jewish Public Prefer to Marry in a non-Orthodox Marriage Ceremony

A survey by the Smith Institute for Hiddush ahead of the 15th of Av: two-thirds of the Jewish public in Israel support legislation that would abolish the Orthodox monopoly on marriage and allow freedom of marriage in Israel. This includes 68% of Likud voters and 41% of the voters of Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit parties. If they had a choice - only 15% of the secular public would marry in an Orthodox marriage

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70% of Undecided Voters: Voting on Religion and State

70% of Undecided Voters: Voting on Religion and State

Pre-election polling shows that 67% of the Jewish public in Israel believes that issues of religion and state will greatly influence their vote, including 69% of secular votes and 91% of ultra-Orthodox voters. President of Hiddush Rabbi Uri Regev comments, "Ignoring the issues of religion and state on the campaign trail only lowers the quality of the discourse and it goes against the interests of the parties."

Hiddush Original: Don’t Push me to the Back of the Bus!

Hiddush Original: Don’t Push me to the Back of the Bus!

Marking International Human Rights Day on December 10th, Hiddush released a short film in protest, featuring Israeli Artists celebrities called “Don’t push me to the back of the bus!”

The Joke of Israel’s Civil Partnership Law

The Joke of Israel’s Civil Partnership Law

Fewer than 1.5 couples register with the Civil Partnership registrar each month according to statistics the Ministry of Justice released to Hiddush. Hiddush President Rabbi Uri Regev: “The time has come for Yisrael Beiteinu to realize its mistake and demand the passage of a real Civil Marriage law.”

Hiddush VP testifies: No partner in ultra-Orthodox leadership

Hiddush VP testifies: No partner in ultra-Orthodox leadership

Hiddush Vice President Shahar Ilan testified last week before the Plesner Committee on Equal Sharing of Civic Burdens. “Anyone who thinks there is a respected ultra-Orthodox authority who is ready to encourage yeshiva students to serve should suggest him. Even Rav Shteinman, presented as a moderate, leads the fight against compulsory service."

Ultra-Orthodox children's paper excludes Israeli flag

Ultra-Orthodox children's paper excludes Israeli flag

An ultra-Orthodox paper in Israel, written in Hebrew, features a story on the history of flags from across the globe. But where is the Israeli flag, where all of these children live?

Hiddush's Tent of the Stuck: Waiting for the bus on Shabbat

Hiddush's Tent of the Stuck: Waiting for the bus on Shabbat

Hiddush and the youth forum "Bamah" joined together this past week to stage a protest in favor on public transportation on Saturday. The current lack of access impacts the most vulnerable of society: the disabled, the elderly, and those who cannot afford the alternatives.

83% of Jewish Israelis want change in housing subsidies

83% of Jewish Israelis want change in housing subsidies

83% of Jewish Israelis believe housing subsidies should follow the recommendations of the Trajtenberg Committee, as opposed to current policies which overwhelmingly favor the ultra-Orthodox population.

82% of Israeli Jews support a law of mandatory conscription for yeshiva students

82% of Israeli Jews support a law of mandatory conscription for yeshiva students

68% of Israeli Jews support denying subsidies to those who don’t serve in the army, 69% support the Supreme Court decision to invalidate the Tal Law*, and 82% support passing a law that would force most yeshiva students to enlist.

El-Al must not allow segregation on planes!

El-Al must not allow segregation on planes!

Hiddush successfully petitions El Al Airlines not to tolerate segregation on board

Hiddush presents: Exclude the Excluders!

Hiddush presents: Exclude the Excluders!

Director of Hiddush, Rabbi Uri Regev: "No more will women be excluded from the public sphere. We can no longer stand with those who promote the exclusion of women, the time has come to for a civil governmental coalition without those who exclude."

15,000% Growth in army exemptions for yeshiva students since 1948

15,000% Growth in army exemptions for yeshiva students since 1948

Number of current yeshiva students receiving deferments estimated at 58,000. Hiddush President Adv. Rabbi Uri Regev: “Any extension of the Tal Law does a huge disservice to the proud concept of the Peoples’ Army. The public will not tolerate continued discrimination in favor of the ultra-Orthodox; any extension will see great consequences in the next election.”

Women only 5 percent of religious councils

Women only 5 percent of religious councils

Only one woman was appointed as a member of a religious council in 2011. Not a single council chair is female. Hiddush President, Rabbi Uri Regev: The horrific discrimination against women on religious councils only provides more proof that they must be eliminated and their responsibilities transferred to local authorities.

Say no to unfair housing subsidies!

Say no to unfair housing subsidies!

Hiddush Petition against suggested guidelines for affordable housing that blatantly favor ultra-Orthodox applicants

Hiddush Poll: 43% of the Israeli Jewish public support Lapid’s entry into political life

Hiddush Poll: 43% of the Israeli Jewish public support Lapid’s entry into political life

34% of the respondents said they are very likely or somewhat likely to vote for a new party that will advance religious freedom and the equal shouldering of civic responsibilities. Hiddush president, Rabbi Uri Regev: “There is great eagerness among Israelis for a new political leader that will focus on religious freedom and equality”.

Israel receives a “0” in the International Religious Freedom Index

Israel receives a “0” in the International Religious Freedom Index

Israel in the bottom quarter of the world index of religious freedom, scoring the same as Iran, Afghanistan and Russia. Hiddush head Rabbi Uri Regev: “This index shows the growing gap between the support of most Israelis for religious freedom, and the governments’ growing surrender to fundamentalist religious politicians.”

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