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Hiddush Advances Food Security, Halts Ultra-Orthodox Corruption

Hiddush Advances Food Security, Halts Ultra-Orthodox Corruption

The Supreme court accepted a petition by Hiddush, which addressed the attempt by Rabbi Deri, leader of Shas, to funnel hundreds of millions of shekels annually to support voters of ultra-Orthodox parties under the guise of caring for food security

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Supreme Court rules on illegal writs of refusal from rabbinical court

Supreme Court rules on illegal writs of refusal from rabbinical court

The Supreme Court required the Attorney General's office to decide soon whether or not to file charges against the judges of the private, ultra-Orthodox rabbinical court who issued an excommunication notice to a Haredi resident Elad who are also suspected of blackmail, threatening private citizens, and obstruction of justice.

72% Jewish Israelis support public transportation on Shabbat

72% Jewish Israelis support public transportation on Shabbat

The gap between the public's support for public transportation on Shabbat and the cowardly, embarrassing intransigence of the Coalition is intolerable. MK Yael German (Yesh Atid): "A minority faction in the Knesset prevents such measures for social justice."

Support for same-sex marriage/civil unions - record high of 76%!

Support for same-sex marriage/civil unions - record high of 76%!

80% of the Jewish Israeli public supports giving married LGBTQ couples all or most of the same rights and privileges as heterosexual married couples. Hiddush CEO Rabbi Regev: "These results - yet another reason for pride during Pride Month, but the legal and political reality is shameful."

64% unaware that legal divorce available only via Orthodox rabbinical courts

64% unaware that legal divorce available only via Orthodox rabbinical courts

Two-thirds of the Jewish Israeli population are unaware that Jewish couples can only get legally divorced through Israel's rabbinical courts, even if they were married in civil ceremonies abroad; 57% of the public underestimate the number of Israeli citizens from the former Soviet Union who cannot get legally married.

71% Israeli Jews attach importance to marriage & divorce freedom

71% Israeli Jews attach importance to marriage & divorce freedom

60% of the Jewish Israeli public supports the involvement of American Jewish organizations in advancing marriage freedom in Israel. There is no doubt that for Israelis – breaking the yoke of the fundamentalist Orthodox Rabbinate in marriage and divorce is a top priority among the religion/state battles. Israelis welcome American Jewish partnership in advancing this cause, both for the sake of Israel and for the sake of world Jewry!

71% of Israeli Jews: Rabbinate's monopoly distances Jews from Judaism

71% of Israeli Jews: Rabbinate's monopoly distances Jews from Judaism

Not only is the denial of the freedom to marry antithetical to core democratic principles, but it also undermines Jewish interests. 71% of the Israeli Jewish public maintain that the Chief Rabbinate's and the rabbinical courts' monopoly over marriage and divorce distances Jews from Judaism.

Hiddush presents: Marriage freedom by the numbers

Hiddush presents: Marriage freedom by the numbers

Hiddush released its new presentation titled, 'Marriage Freedom in Israel: by the Numbers,' which provides answers to the questions most often asked about the condition of marriage freedom in Israel, and related issues. Shahar Ilan, the Hiddush VP of Research and Information, presented the data at the meeting of the Knesset's Peoplehood, Religion, & State Caucus.

Hiddush demands appointment of women to religious councils

Hiddush demands appointment of women to religious councils

The ultra-Orthodox Shas party's Minister of Religious Services David Azoulay has appointed six “appointees” for four religious councils since assuming office after the May 2015 Knesset elections. Minister Azoulay, like his predecessors, has not appointed a single woman, despite Israeli law and the commitment the Ministry made to the AG office in the past to exercise affirmative action in this arena.

Hiddush makes progress on military burial rights for IDF soldiers

Hiddush makes progress on military burial rights for IDF soldiers

Once again, Hiddush is impacting on Israeli governmental policies, advancing religious freedom and equality. This time – it’s about a very painful and sensitive issue: burial of fallen soldiers. Last week we were informed of the acceptance of our demands (although we will have to follow the implementation, as we know from past experience…).

Israel's Rabbinate coerces and discriminates in hotels

Israel's Rabbinate coerces and discriminates in hotels

Despite officially and publicly updating its kashrut regulations for hotels this year, in order to be in compliance with the law, Israel's Rabbinate continues to coerce hotels to enforce Shabbat restrictions and its illegal ban against all Christian holiday symbols.

Katniss Everdeen's image censored in Jerusalem

Katniss Everdeen's image censored in Jerusalem

Katniss Everdeen was censored out of Jerusalem and B’nei Brak 'Hunger Games' posters; only the fiery bird image was included. Hiddush immediately alerted the media of this censorship, prompting an investigation of the matter.

Hiddush reveals: proposed bill to increase yeshiva stipends

Hiddush reveals: proposed bill to increase yeshiva stipends

Hiddush causes proposed bill to increase stipends for non-working yeshiva students to be widely covered by the media. Ultra-Orthodox parties demand to include many more yeshiva students, and provide them with much more funding.

Hiddush analysis of Israel’s state budget

Hiddush analysis of Israel’s state budget

The state budget for yeshivas is expected to grow by 419 million shekels, an increase of three-quarters. This is blow to the heart of Israel’s future, and a slap in the voters' faces.

Should religious freedom stop at the gates of military cemeteries?

Should religious freedom stop at the gates of military cemeteries?

Turning to the Minister of Defense, Chief of Staff, Head of IDF Personnel, Judge Advocate, and Minister of Religious Services, Hiddush suggested that civil burial plots be designated within military cemeteries, in which full military funerals can be conducted, ungoverned by the Orthodox Rabbinate.

Supreme Court hears Hiddush petition against coercive rabbinical court

Supreme Court hears Hiddush petition against coercive rabbinical court

Justice Mazuz: “The ‘Writs of Refusal’ are intended to deny a person his rights as a man and a citizen by blocking his/her way to State institutions (i.e. - the courts) that can render him remedy in realizing his rights.”

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