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Hiddush Advances Food Security, Halts Ultra-Orthodox Corruption

Hiddush Advances Food Security, Halts Ultra-Orthodox Corruption

The Supreme court accepted a petition by Hiddush, which addressed the attempt by Rabbi Deri, leader of Shas, to funnel hundreds of millions of shekels annually to support voters of ultra-Orthodox parties under the guise of caring for food security

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Forced to marry abroad: A personal perspective on Israel's marriage crisis

Forced to marry abroad: A personal perspective on Israel's marriage crisis

The lack of civil marriage and recongition of non-Orthodox marriage leaves hundreds of thousands of Israelis without any option to actualize their basic right to marriage. Millions more are forced to partake in a ceremony incongruent with their beliefs.

"Israeli public schools will be able to choose non-Orthodox rabbis and lecturers to serve as Jewish educators for their students"

Hiddush reminds Education Minister Shai Piron of his commitment to Jewish pluralism to ensure public secular schools have a free choice in hiring Jewish educators

Hiddush calls for prevention of peyot-shaving incidents in the IDF

Hiddush calls for prevention of peyot-shaving incidents in the IDF

Push for standardized notification of right to grow side locks comes after at least two haredi soldiers complained in recent months that IDF barbers had shaved their peyot.

Professor Aharon Barak: Israel's marriage laws are a clear violation of basic human rights

Professor Aharon Barak: Israel's marriage laws are a clear violation of basic human rights

Hiddush publishes excerpts from the former Israeli Supreme Court Chief Justice's forthcoming book on human dignity and constitutional rights. Professor Barak emphasizes that the Israel's marriage laws constitute a clear infringement of basic constitutional rights.

The battle against illegal religious campaign tactics in Israel's municipal elections

The battle against illegal religious campaign tactics in Israel's municipal elections

Hiddush has filed complaints against several ultra-Orthodox parties and institutions for illegally using religious methods as a means to secure votes in the 2013 municipal elections.

Hiddush takes a formative role in drafting the Equality in Sharing the Burden law

Hiddush takes a formative role in drafting the Equality in Sharing the Burden law

Hiddush's recommendations for the ultra-Orthodox draft law are actively being used by MK Ayelet Shaked and the committee tasked with drafting the Equality in Sharing the Burden law.

Hiddush releases 2013 Religion and State Index; increased support for freedom of marriage and Jewish pluralism

Hiddush releases 2013 Religion and State Index; increased support for freedom of marriage and Jewish pluralism

In the fifth consecutive Religion and State Index, there is a noticeable rise in support for non-Orthodox marriages and conversions. A majority of Israelis support equal recognition of Reform and Conservative Rabbis.

Hiddush petitions to the Supreme Court against rabbinical courts' excommunication practices

Hiddush petitions to the Supreme Court against rabbinical courts' excommunication practices

In a landmark case, Hiddush petitioned to the Israeli Supreme Court on behalf of an ultra-Orthodox resident of Elad to annul the writ of refusal issued by a rabbinical court for filing a case in Israel's civil courts.

In Hiddush's Freedom of Marriage World Map, Israel receives

In Hiddush's Freedom of Marriage World Map, Israel receives "0" for religious monopoly and severe restrictions on marriage.

45 countries, including Israel, received a grade of "0" due to severe restrictions on freedom of marriage. Hiddush CEO Rabbi Uri Regev: We cannot miss this historic opportunity for freedom of marriage in Israel.

82% of Yesh Atid voters want immediate ultra-Orthodox draft

82% of Yesh Atid voters want immediate ultra-Orthodox draft

61% of the general public is in favor of an immediate draft of yeshiva students. Hiddush CEO Rabbi Regev: "The public's message is clear. Equality in sharing the burden must begin immediately."

Why did MK Moshe Gafni single out Hiddush in the Knesset?

Why did MK Moshe Gafni single out Hiddush in the Knesset?

MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ) is right about one thing: Hiddush works tirelessly to provide up-to-date facts and figures to policymakers on religion/state issues to advance the freedoms that were promised to Israelis in the Declaration of Independence.

Hiddush calls on government coalition to cease funding of ultra-Orthodox organizations that deny the legitimacy of the State of Israel

Hiddush calls on government coalition to cease funding of ultra-Orthodox organizations that deny the legitimacy of the State of Israel

The request comes in light of the fiery attack by Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech Halberstam, leader of the Tzanz Chasidic dynasty on the State of Israel and its national symbols. Hiddush CEO Rabbi Regev: these outbursts continue to reveal the prevalence and deep-seated rejection of the legitimacy of the State of Israel amongst ultra-Orthodox rabbis and community leaders.

Hiddush offers a Passover supplement for your seder

Hiddush offers a Passover supplement for your seder

Hiddush is pleased to provide our supporters an additonal reading on the Festival of Freedom.

Hiddush releases proposal for implementing Civil Society in the State of Israel

Hiddush releases proposal for implementing Civil Society in the State of Israel

Hiddush released an detailed plan for implementing a civil society in the State of Israel for members of the new Knesset. The proposal is based around an additional basic law to implement religious freedom and conscience in Israel.

Hiddush appeal brings prosecution against rabbinic courts who threaten excommunication

Hiddush appeal brings prosecution against rabbinic courts who threaten excommunication

In response to an appeal filed by Hiddush- Freedom of Religion for Israel, Yehuda Weinstein, Israel's Attorney General directed the Ministry of Religious Services to take legal action against private rabbinic authorities that attempt to excommunicate individuals who file cases in State civil courts.

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