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What does the Public think? (Hint: opposite to the position of the government!)

What does the Public think? (Hint: opposite to the position of the government!)

78% are opposed to the blanket exemption of the ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students

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Interior Minister Gideon Saar jeopardizes accessibility to Tel Aviv convenience stores on Shabbat

Interior Minister Gideon Saar jeopardizes accessibility to Tel Aviv convenience stores on Shabbat

Interior Minister nixes amendment that would allow small markets and convenience stores to operate on Shabbat in Tel Aviv. Hiddush CEO Rabbi Uri Regev wonders if this is a move for ultra-Orthodox political support.

Hiddush slams Shas leader's attack on women's higher education

Hiddush slams Shas leader's attack on women's higher education

Rabbi Shalom Cohen, Shas's new spiritual leader wrote a letter which forbids women from entering academic studies. Hiddush foresees a split in the Sephardic ultra-Orthodox party.

Finance Minister Yair Lapid: Israel cannot be the only western country without religious freedom

Finance Minister Yair Lapid: Israel cannot be the only western country without religious freedom

The Israeli Finance Minister spoke at the Israeli Reform Movement's 50th Anniversary and renewed his commitment to religious freedom and denominational equality.

The Israeli government's plan for the Room of the Last Supper sets a new paradigm for inter-religious harmony

The Israeli government's plan for the Room of the Last Supper sets a new paradigm for inter-religious harmony

Despite protests from fundamentalist religious groups, this decision could have a positive impact on interfaith relations in Israel.

Hiddush's advocacy efforts result in historic success for gender equality in Israel's religious councils

Hiddush's advocacy efforts result in historic success for gender equality in Israel's religious councils

Affirmative action for appointing women to Israel's religious councils will provide the long-awaited implementation of the Supreme Court's mandate for gender equality in public institutions.

MK Stern's Conversion Proposal will extend and strengthen the Orthodox conversion monopoly

MK Stern's Conversion Proposal will extend and strengthen the Orthodox conversion monopoly

Hiddush's criticism of the latest law proposal to reform Israel's conversion system is joined by unlikely choir of varying vantage points.

Hiddush releases guide to the Equality in Sharing the Burden Law: Nothing but defects and exemptions

Hiddush releases guide to the Equality in Sharing the Burden Law: Nothing but defects and exemptions

On the eve of the Knesset vote on the ultra-Orthodox draft law, Hiddush presents a guide to the law's defects and call's on the government coalition to send the bill back to the drawing board.

Hiddush report demonstrates dire need to close the gender gap in Israel's religious councils

Hiddush report demonstrates dire need to close the gender gap in Israel's religious councils

Hiddush CEO Rabbi Uri Regev turned to the Ministry of Religious Services to emphasize the need for proper implementation of gender equality in Israel's religious establishment

Hiddush heads the opposition against recognizing Chabad's emissary work as Israeli national service

Hiddush heads the opposition against recognizing Chabad's emissary work as Israeli national service

In response to MK Elazar Stern's proposal to include Chabad emissaries in Israel's national service program, Rabbi Regev says: An anti-Zionist movement cannot represent the State of Israel.

Unfolding circumcision controversy makes the case for civil marriage and divorce in Israel

Unfolding circumcision controversy makes the case for civil marriage and divorce in Israel

In light of the recent developments in Israel's circumcision controversy, Hiddush CEO Rabbi Uri Regev points out that this dispute could be easily handled outside of the rabbinical courts if civil marriage and divorce were allowed for Israelis.

Prime Minister Netanyahu promises 'audacious hospitality' to American Jewry, but how serious is he?

Prime Minister Netanyahu promises 'audacious hospitality' to American Jewry, but how serious is he?

Rabbi Uri Regev questions the ability of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to deliver his promises to the delegates of the 2013 URJ Biennial Convention in San Diego.

The need to renew the battle for freedom of religion and equality in Israel

The need to renew the battle for freedom of religion and equality in Israel

The latest circumcision controversy is a start reminder of the need to continue efforts towards freedom of religion and equality in Israel

Women of the Wall's historic decision will reshape the future of the Western Wall

Women of the Wall's historic decision will reshape the future of the Western Wall

The decision to move Women of the Wall's prayer space from the women's area of the Western Wall to an egalitarian area will end this conflict and allow the Israeli government to approach the religion and state crisis in a more thorough manner.

Jerusalem Post Editorial: Dissolve the rabbinate

Jerusalem Post Editorial: Dissolve the rabbinate

The 2013 Religion and State Index showed that 70% of Israeli Jews oppose the Chief Rabbinate in its current form. That includes Israelis from all over the Jewish spectrum. This time, it's the Jerusalem Post Editorial Board calling for the desperately-needed change.

The Far-Reaching Impact of Israel's Religion and State Conflict

The Far-Reaching Impact of Israel's Religion and State Conflict

From the battle over the exclusion of women from the public realm to public transportation on shabbat, the religion and state conflict has a serious and detrimental impact on daily life in Israel.

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