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What does the Public think? (Hint: opposite to the position of the government!)

What does the Public think? (Hint: opposite to the position of the government!)

78% are opposed to the blanket exemption of the ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students

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Divorce denied in Israel due to prenuptial agreement

Divorce denied in Israel due to prenuptial agreement

A terrible example of the danger to the Israeli public that stems from the monopoly of the rabbinical courts on marriage and divorce in Israel swept through the media just recently with the publication of a ruling by the Rabbinical Court in Petah Tikva in a divorce case.

Shoresh Institution policy brief: post-election analysis

Shoresh Institution policy brief: post-election analysis

Last week, Prof. Ben David published a policy brief titled 'Two Wars and Demography: A Long Run View of Israel’s Recent Elections'. Its importance cannot be over-exaggerated. We can only express the hope that leaders and policymakers will take the time to study it carefully.

An increase in Haredi MKs – not in public support.

An increase in Haredi MKs – not in public support.

Hiddush provides context and more accurate understanding of what may appear to onlookers from the Diaspora as growing support for the ultra-Orthodox political parties due to the increase from 13 to 16.

Agunah Day: For women in Israel, marriage is captivity

Agunah Day: For women in Israel, marriage is captivity

Dr. Susan Weiss, Esq., Executive Director of the Center for Women's Justice, writes a powerful article for 2019 International Agunah Day. In the spirit of the Book of Esther she challenges the common sense regarding agunot – Jewish women held, like Esther, in marital captivity.

2018 Israel Peace Index Supports Hiddush's consistent findings

2018 Israel Peace Index Supports Hiddush's consistent findings

Often, the online comments on Hiddush's survey findings validate the well-known phrase: Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up. These individuals rudely reject our data as specious, but the Israel Democracy Institute's 2018 Peace Index unsurprisingly supports Hiddush's findings and analysis.

Report: Haredi employment is down; Haredi poverty is up

Report: Haredi employment is down; Haredi poverty is up

Data from the Israel Democracy Institute's 2018 Statistical Report on Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel supports Hiddush's data and analysis on the growing trend of ultra-Orthodox men studying in yeshivas instead of entering the workforce, as poverty rates rise.

Shaked won: The 'Jewish' has beaten the 'democratic'

Shaked won: The 'Jewish' has beaten the 'democratic'

It happened just this week. With little ado, the Supreme Court overturned a 25-year ruling and told the Rabbinical Courts that they could do whatever they please because the laws of the state no longer really apply to them.

21 MKs responding to Pittsburgh - “Time for Equality”

21 MKs responding to Pittsburgh - “Time for Equality”

The MKs highlighted different aspects of the need to respond to the Pittsburgh massacre, not merely by identifying with the loss and pain of the Jewish community, not only by decrying growing anti-Semitic outbursts, but by changing Israel’s policies.

'Liberals in the Likud' faction favors religious freedom

'Liberals in the Likud' faction favors religious freedom

The national radio reported today on a gathering of the "Liberals in the Likud" who were addressed by Minister Ofer Akunis (Likud). He was recorded stating the following: "The Surrogacy Law that distinguished between men and women is a disgrace... to the National [Likud] Movement

First woman ever appointed as legal advisor to rabbinical courts

First woman ever appointed as legal advisor to rabbinical courts

We at Hiddush are delighted by the appointment of Attorney Shira Ben-Eli as legal advisor to Israel's rabbinical courts.

The Nation-state Law: The religion-state angle

The Nation-state Law: The religion-state angle

The Nation-state Law has captured the headlines for quite some time now, culminating in its adoption by the Knesset yesterday. There are a number of facets to this bill, which should be highlighted as far as matters of religion-state and Israel-Diaspora relations are concerned.

Netanyahu about-faces on gay surrogacy rights

Netanyahu about-faces on gay surrogacy rights

The surrogacy bill, enacted by a vote of 59 to 52, expands eligibility for state-supported surrogacy to include single women but excludes single men and gay couples. Until now the right has only been extended to married, heterosexual couples.

IDF Draft controversy renews pressure to muzzle the Supreme Court

IDF Draft controversy renews pressure to muzzle the Supreme Court

As many who follow Israel's political life know, cries of "wolf, wolf!" foretelling of the government’s imminent collapse are common. Two such crises are on the horizon now.

Hiddush criticizes the  Defense Ministry's recommendations

Hiddush criticizes the Defense Ministry's recommendations

These recommendations push off the recruitment of yeshiva students until the next government and turn responsibility over to the High Court of Justice. The irony is that even this will be rejected by the ultra-Orthodox parties.

Likud Minister fed up with Haredi ultimatums

Likud Minister fed up with Haredi ultimatums

Our readers have come to expect Hiddush underscoring the unacceptability of ultra-Orthodox political shenanigans, extortion and coercion. However, this week, we heard comparable sentiments expressed by a leading Government Coalition member - Likud Minister Akunis.

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